Levav keeps nonprofits moving forward when additional capacity is needed - during a short term crunch, a staff transition, or any time you need additional support but can’t make a long term hire. Whether it’s filling a vacant leadership position or overseeing a specific project, Levav hits the ground running, offering stability and expertise to nonprofits navigating change.
Project Management
Every nonprofit has more work to do than hours to do it. Levav can take work off your director’s plate so they can focus on what’s most important. Levav helps reduce burnout and keep the mission moving forward. Types of work include:
Organizational strategy
Hiring processes
Grant writing
Board support
Meeting facilitation
Systems and policies
Public policy and communications, including strategy, research, writing, and editing
Interim Leadership
As an experienced Executive Director and policy and communications staffer, Levav quickly assesses organizational strengths and needs, works thoughtfully with staff and board, and supports collaborative decision-making. Each role is tailored to the specific, current needs of the organization.
Levav works with Page Two Partners on Interim Executive Director roles. These roles vary in length, and tend to last 6-12 months.